Wednesday, September 6, 2017

This blog is started to create awareness among the human beings to develop the habit of living in consonance with Nature to live a hale and healthy life. 

Nature has provided in abundance for every living being to survive with. The Universe was created by a supreme power called God as everyone knows. The life force on earth cannot live without the presence of SUN and MOON. Moon's gravitation maintains the stability of earth's rotation on the axis. So, Living and Non-living beings in the world are related or dependent on one another. 

In the Stone-age, people were eating only vegan foods like fruits, vegetables, roots like that. Then, they slowly started to grill the food in fire and ate. Now, we are eating everything in different forms in an abnormal manner so, our health also has become abnormal. To add to these woes, technological developments made the human being as lazy and cozy with less physical activities. Also various types of Pollution such as Air pollution, Water pollution and Soil pollution deteriorating the Eco-balance. 

So, what are the ways to maintain health.

    1. Doing Daily Exercises or Yoga.
    2. Taking Proper food at an appropriate time.
    3. Drinking adequate water as and when required.
    4. Keeping the mind stress-free
    5. Taking proper Rest and Sleep.

We will see the above points one by one.

1. Daily Exercises or Yoga:
    It is mandatory for everyone to walk 1000 steps per day. It should be an active walk. No need to count your steps or keeping a smart watch to measure. You can do as much as you can but a minimum of 1000 will be ideal.
     Then, raise your arms keeping your palms open with inhaling to full lungs and bend down to touch the ground or your feet exhaling. While exhaling, evacuate the air fully from your lungs. Then while lifting up, inhale. Do this at least 20 times. Blood flow to your brain and eyes will improve your memory and vision. Also, your pelvic region gets proper strength so that pancreas will work properly.

     Doing Pranayama will improve the oxygen saturation in your blood and improves your overall health. It increases your life span, evacuates the dirt from your upper part of lungs, helps to control your emotions (balancing your mood), reduces the risk of hypertension, improves concentration and memory. Many more benefits are there. We can discuss this in a separate article.

     Daily 7 poses of AsanAs, like vajrasana with chin mudra, sarvangasana, Uthhitta Trikonasana, Uthhitta Parsvakonasana, Veerabhadrasana, Parsvottanasana and Ustrasana.

2. Taking Proper food at an appropriate time:
     It is of paramount importance that right food at right time in right quantity is the best method of eating. What is the right food, what is right time and what is the right quantity?

      Right Food:
      In the morning, while breaking the fast, (breaking the fast after your dinner and sleep), the stomach is empty but the hydrochloric acid is secreted during the night time stays in your stomach. So, in the morning, one has to drink a glass of water little by little. Not in one gulp. After half an hour, take your morning Tea, Coffee or Milk anything as you like. Then, after one hour only, breakfast have to be taken. The food should be rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals etc. such as Idly of South Indian origin, Cereals, Dry fruits etc. But, eating more of White flour based bread should be avoided. This is harmful to human's body.

      In the afternoon, Meals should be taken like Rice, with Dal, Cereals, Ice-creams, Sweets and Seafood like that. But, avoiding alcohols, Burgers, artificially prepared mayonnaise, foods with coloring agents, preservatives, additives are harmful. We are eating for our health not for style.

       For Dinner, we have to take light food only. Like Idli, idiyappam, Dosa without oil or with less oil and banana. Taking oily foods or Non-veg during night time that too after 7.00 PM is highly discouraged. 

Golden Rules:
i.   Drink boiled water
ii. Take meals twice a day
iii. Take diluted buttermilk and melted ghee
iv. Take sufficient quantity of milk and milk products
v. Never eat root tubers except yam
vi. Never consume food that was prepared the previous day
vii. Always have food after feeling hungry
viii. Always consume sour curd
ix. Practice walking after a good diet
x. Drink water at the end of meals
xi. Use hot water while taking oil bath.
xii. Never suppress any natural urge
xiii. Never sleep during daytime
xiv. Always indulge in healthy sexual acts
xv. Take emetic medication once in six months
xvi. Take purgative medication every four months in a year
xvii. Take snuff medications eight times in a year
xviii. Shave hairs weekly
xix. Take oil bath once in every four days
xx. Apply eye medications once in three days
xxi. Never smell fragrance during midnight
xxii. Never reside close to dust and articles related to dust